Dive Medicals

Trauma Training does not provide Dive / Offshore Medicals.

H.S.E. Medicals can only be performed within UK waters. So there are no medical practitioners outside of the UK who can perform them. Here is a link to some UK based medics who can perform the whole range of HSE / OGUK / Offshore certs;

UK Based Medicals

Midlands Diving Chamber. Based in Rugby, England. Offers the whole range of Dive Medicals: 0044 (0)1788 579555. e-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.midlandsdivingchamber.co.uk/index.php?id=medicals

Hyperdive Medicals. Based in S/E England Run by Dr Firth. Offers the whole range of Dive Medicals: https://www.hyperdive.co.uk


Dr Downs. Based in S/E England, Offers the whole range of Dive Medicals: 0044(0)780 2895853, e-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.ukoffshoremedicals.co.uk


Here is a Link to the HSE Dive Doctor website. You can search every HSE registered doctor. https://webcommunities.hse.gov.uk/connect.ti/divingmedexaminer/viewdatastore?DSID=6564&ADV=S&searchop_6=LIKE&search_6=&searchop_4=LIKE&search_4=&searchop_8=LIKE&search_8=&searchop_9=LIKE&search_9=

OGUK Medicals (International)

Many employers internationally request an OGUK medical. There are a large amount of internationally based doctors who can provide this medical.

The OGUK have a list of all the Drs who provide the OGUK medicals around the world: https://oilandgasuk.co.uk/examining-doctors-overseas/


Dr Rejes Eldblom is only 10-15 minutes walk from the Training Centre in Benalmadena. He offers a range of Norsok & OGUK Medicals; + (34) 951 909 099: E-mail: [email protected]  Website: https://www.medicaloffshore.es